Thursday 16 February 2017

Hopes that have become realities

Ahh! This is my last blog post before I go to South Africa, just two sleeps left!

I am so incredibly amazed at the opportunities that have come my way since September, I wanted to share with you my hopes and dreams that have come to fruition.

As recorded in my notebook on the 13th September I prayed for three things:

1) For exciting opportunities to make a difference, open my mind and empower others.
    'For the sake of the world burn like a fire in me'

2) For a support team as I left DBT and with friends going of to university. I wanted to grown with great friendships that promoted courage and optimism.

3) For eagerness to explore the bible and my faith more.

Exciting opportunities:

- Christians in Politics Youth Engagement Board
This has involved working with other young people around the country who are eager to reach out to young Christians and encourage them to engage with politics.
As you can imagine this is right up my street! Have loved doing listening workshops with young people in Knowle and hearing about what politics looks like to them. Also had an amazing opportunity to do some filming with PAX a Christian Organisation that aims to look at how faith impacts life. Will let you know when the clip is complete and ready for viewing - it is an interview with myself and two other young woman each of us from different political parties, sharing our views on faith and politics.

- Amnesty Enrichment Project at Alderbrook Sixth Form
Last year my Solihull Amnesty Group was contacted by Alderbrook Sixth Form in Solihull to see if we wanted to run 10 weeks of enrichment sessions on a Wednesday afternoon. This was an amazing chance to spread awareness of Amnesty International in Solihull and engage young people in Human Rights. So exciting! So I took on organising it and running the first five sessions with the lovely Pooja and am now handing over the David and Celia to do the last five weeks. It has been great to facilitate discussion about the Refugee Crisis, encourage debate and independent research with 6 students. Did my final session this week on Guantanamo Bay, always love talking about the tension between terrorism and civil liberties. To find out more like the Solihull Amnesty International Group on Facebook to get the links for the weekly blog.

Support Team:

It has been amazing to strengthen friendships with so many people in the last few months. In particular friends who have been or are on gap years now, sharing memories and experiences has been such a source of encouragement. Very grateful for the late night texts, long skype calls and many coffee catch ups! Thank you to Kara, Charis, Fiona and Victoria for keeping my sane and sharing this journey with me!


- Christianity Explored
In October I started the Christianity Explored course at Knowle with Anna. It was brilliant to work through Mark's gospel with a group of people over a series of 8 sessions picking out how it was relevant to our everyday lives. It was a chance to get to know more people within Knowle Church and deepen my understand of the Bible. Really grateful for everyone in my group who shared their stories and insight into the bible study.

- Home group 
I have joined a home group, a proper adult thing to do! I have managed to go to two sessions before my trip and discuss Genesis and how God reveals his plans and promises to us, which has been great. I am very grateful for them taking me on as a temporary member during my gap year, it will be amazing to have this as a link back to Knowle church when I am in Africa. Thank you for committing to pray for me and keep up with what I am doing, really appreciate it.

- Knowle Church
I have been going to the 7:30pm service for the last couple of years now and enjoyed hearing from a range of people. Getting to know both the young people and the adults who go there has been great. In the last few months having the chance to work for the church, doing social media and admin for the Youth Team has really boosted this. I feel much more at home there now then I did last summer, was lovely to share my a few details of my trip with them on Sunday and give prayer requests. Look forward to updating them when I get back.

Prayer Requests -

- Saying goodbye to my family on Saturday afternoon
- Pacing myself when I get to South Africa, got induction days on Monday (office& small tour of the city) and Tuesday (in the Social Justice Department, getting my schedule)
- Good relationships to begin with my host family on Sunday

Thank you so much for reading PART ONE of my blog posts, can't wait to share the start of PART TWO next week. Eeeek!

1 comment:

  1. Watch out Cape Town; Amy's on her way!
    PS. Love the blog (and love you too!).
